If a fasting person
eats or drinks unintentionally or ignorantly or is forced to do so his fasting
does not spoil. Allah the Almighty says in The Holy Quran (chapter 2:286)
"Pray, Our lord!
Condemn us not if we forget or fall into error." [1]
He also says in The
Holy Quran (chapter 16: 106)
"Except that who
is compelled to do so while his heart is firm in faith." [2]
Quran chapter 33: 5,
Allah says:
There is no blame on
you if you make a mistake therein, except in regard to what your hearts
deliberately intend." [3]
So if someone eats or
drinks unintentionally his fasting does not spoil. lf he eats or drinks
thinking that the night has started by sunset or thinking that dawn still not
started his fasting does not spoil.
If water enters in
ones throat unintentionally while he rinses out his mouth his fasting does not
spoil. similarly having a wet dream during fasting does not spoil fasting, as
it happens without intention.
What Spoils Fast:
Fasting is spoiled by
the following eight things:
1. Sexual intercourse.
If a fasting person
whose fasting is obligatory has sexual intercourse during daytime of Ramadan he
has to make up for this day and to offers atonement i.e., he is required to set
free a slave. if unable to do so he has to fast two month consecutively. If
unable to do so he has to feed sixty poor persons.
2. Intentional
ejaculation of sperm by any means such as masturbation, kissing or embracing.
3. Eating and
drinking either it is useful or harmful such as smoking.
4. Using injection
for nutrition, for it is similar to eating and drinking. Other injections do
not break the fast.
5. Injection of
If a fasting person
suffers from hemorrhage and injected blood to recover his fasting will spoil.
6. Menstruation or
post-natal bleeding.
7. Releasing blood by
Fasting does not
spoil if blood comes out by itself such as bleeding through nasal hemorrhage or
bleeding after pulling out tooth.
8. Vomiting deliberately.
Unintentional vomiting does not spoil the fasting.
[1] The Holy Quran (chapter 2:286)
Quran (chapter 16: 106)
[3] Quran chapter 33: 5
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