The act of terror or
terrorism has its history evident as far back as the early days of man on
earth. This was argued by so many scholars of social science especially the
social contract theorist ‘Thomas Hobbes’ (1588-1679AD). This was captured in
his argument about “the state of Nature” while presenting his social contract
theory of the origin of the state.
“Man is the state of nature
was in perpetual fear, every man was enemy to every man in a war dominated
society and men were lawless and anarchical. Life was solitary, poor, nasty,
brutish and smart.” (Hobbes 1651)
This argument of terror in
the early days of man were better revealed to mankind some fourteen hundred
years ago in the Qur’an.
Allah says:
“So the Nafs (soul) of the other
encourage him and made fear seeming to him the murder of his brother, he
murdered him and became of the losers” Q(5:30)
Abdullahi narrated that the
Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “None (no human) is killed or murdered, but a
part of the responsibility for the crime is led on the first son of Adam who
invented the tradition of killing (unjustly) on the earth. (Sahih Al-Bukhari
Vol 9; no 6).
of Human Life in Islam
In condemning the action of
the son of Prophet Adam (A.S) (which is murder), Allah says:
“Because of that, we
ordained for the children of Israel that if anyone kills a person not in
retaliation of murder, or to spread mischief in the land – it will be as if he
kills all mankind, and if anyone save a life, it will be as if he saved the
life of all mankind…” Q(5:22)
Anas bin Malik narrated that
the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “The biggest of Al Kabaa’ir (grievous sin)
is Shirk, murder, to be undutiful to ones parent and to make a false statement
and to give a false witness” (Bukhari Vol 9, no 10)
Empirically, the Islamic
religion happens to be the only religion out of the world religions that hold
with esteem, the life of a human. A soul in the Islamic creed equivalent to the whole of humanity as revealed by Allah (swt) in the above verse indicating that
Islam does not accommodate the killing of a soul exce[t for Shari established
Anas bin Malik educates us
further on the magnitude of murder where many scholars of Tafsir ranked in the
second highest crime in the sight of Allah after “Shirk” as sighted above.
How is Terrorism-Related to Islam?
in Islam
The word or concept of Jihad
was been made popular by the West especially Orientalists and mostly
misunderstood by the rest of the world as Muslims’ declaration of war against
non-Muslims, especially Christians.
“Holy War”, a phrase that is
strange to Islam, coined and presented by the West to mean Jihad.
The Arabic word ‘Jihad’
literally means ‘struggling’ or ‘striving’. It is applicable to any effort put
in place by anyone. A student in University engages in Jihad as he struggles to
pass his examinations, the lecturers also strive (jihad) to meet up with their
responsibilities as lecturers and the farmer also does jihad on his farm so as
to get a good harvest and so on.
Allah (swt) says:
As for those who strive hard
(do jihad) in our cause, we will surely guide them to our paths and verily,
Allah is with the Muhsinuun (good doers)” Q(29:69)
It was reported that one of
the companions of Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) told his army when they
returned from military camping that:
“We have returned from a
minor jihad (war) to the major jihad (self-control and betterment)”.
The above verses and many of
the likes have shown that jihad is not interpreted as war only, even though it
could mean it since it is a form of struggle.
Jihad or Political Violence
Even though terrorism is an
age-old phenomenon or act as argued earlier, it was only made popular when the
West held onto it as an instrument of “Islamophobia”.
The West through America and their well-oiled media instrument have subliminally conditioned the mind of the World (Muslims and non-Muslims alike) to believe that terrorism is jihad by creating, sponsoring and promoting terrorist groups in Islamic states like al-Qaeda, al-Shabab, Taliban, ISIS, etc.
The West through America and their well-oiled media instrument have subliminally conditioned the mind of the World (Muslims and non-Muslims alike) to believe that terrorism is jihad by creating, sponsoring and promoting terrorist groups in Islamic states like al-Qaeda, al-Shabab, Taliban, ISIS, etc.
Literally, terrorism is any
form of politically motivated violence directed again non-combatant public and
designed to instill fear in a target audience (Viotti and Kauppi).
Terrorism just like many
other concepts has no internationally accepted definition.
However in spite
of this disparity in opinions, there exist some common elements such as
political orientation, attack on civilian population and infrastructure, etc.
Who is a Jihadist?
The jihad is outrightly
struggle for the sake of Allah (swt).
A ‘Jihadist’ is that person
that strives with the hope of getting a reward from Allah
(swt). Allah says:
“(Verily the number of
months with Allah is twelve (12) months, so was it ordained by Allah on the day
when He created the Heaven and the earth. Of them four (4) are sacre. That is
the right religion, so wrong not yourselves therein and strive against the
Mushrikuun collectively as the strive against you collectively. But know that
Allah is with those who are Al-Muttaquun” Q(9:36)
Is The Last Resort
The essence of Jihad is never
to kill or eliminate the non-Muslims neither is it aimed at intimidating
anybody; unlike the terrorist. This is why the Islamic creed has provided
guidelines on the relations between Muslims and non-Muslims, indicating that a
Muslim and non-Muslim can live under the same roof or shade.
Hence, Jihad is the last
resort and the Muslim must not start a war but have the obligation of defending
themselves and Islam.
Abu Al-Bakhari narrated that
an army of the Muslim, whose commander was Salman Al-farisi besieged one of the
castles of Persia. They said ‘O Abdullah! Should we charge them? He said: Leave
me to call them (to Islam) as I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon
him) called them, so Salman went to call them to Islam or they should keep
their religion and pay Jizyah, and that if they resist, we are equally going to
resist you. They said: We will not pay but will fight you instead. (Tirmidhi
Lastly, while terrorism is
carried out by a mostly small group of people or government, Jihad on the other
hand is only called on or declared by the leader of Islamic caliphate
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